Book Review for Get Out of Here by Tanith Davenport

I received this book for free. This does not impact my review in any shape or form. 

Get Out of Here, by Tanith Davenport, is a novella about a young woman escaping abuse and realizing that life can give happy endings. After her older sisters ran away with their boyfriends, Starla Brower is the only remaining sister left to deal with her horrible parents. She sneaks out in a desperate attempt to make a life for herself and stumbles into the arms of Valen Lesellane, a popular musician who whisks her away and pushes her into the spotlight. Through him, she reunites with her elder sisters, but Starla finds herself doubting Valen’s intentions. She must sort through truth and lies before she gets left behind again. 

Although brief, Starla’s story leaves quite an impact. I know a lot of people who struggle with having no contact with toxic parents, conflicted with whether or not their loved ones would change. True, Valen introduced Starla to different opportunities to help her make a name for herself, but I wholeheartedly believe that it was Electra who gave her the strength to stay away. This is just as much a story of empowerment as it is a romance. 

Along those lines, I thoroughly enjoyed Starla taking advantage of Valen’s financial and networking help. A lot of times, people who have just gotten out of a domestic violence situation are plagued with low self-esteem and are isolated from their support system. For Starla to cling to those supports, even though Mike tried forcing her back, is a resilience everyone wants to have. It’s also intriguing how much Mike parallels Starla’s parents; unlike Starla though, Valen wasn’t willing to stay silent, and he put Mike down before he could harm anyone else. 

The novella is an empowering, contemporary romance that promises people there is a light at the end of the tunnel. The names may be a bit awkward, but overall, I enjoyed Davenport’s story and would recommend it to anyone needing to pick me up. 

As such, I would give this book a 4 out of 5 stars. 

Give Away

At this time, Ms. Davenport is hosting a giveaway! Click here to enter for a chance to get the book for free!

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